
5 Best Social Media Content Tips For 2024

Social Media Content Tips

Over the past few years, Social media and its algorithm has changed a lot. Platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter don’t work the same as they used to ten years back. Ditch the FOMO because today we are going to look at five best social media content tips for this year.

If you’re a content creator then you’re in for a treat. As we mentioned before, the algorithm has changed a lot this year. Each platform works differently and has its unique setup. So, making content for different platforms differently is crucial because the content that seems to work on Instagram may not work on Facebook or Twitter. We all want to engage with followers and create and build community, but exactly how? Let’s look at some social media content tips that will help you stay relevant this year.


1. Master The Short Form Video

social media content tips

One of the best social media content tips for this year is to master the art of short videos. Algorithms are changing and attention spans are shorter than ever. You name it, each platform has its short format section now like- YouTube shorts, LinkedIn shorts, Instagram, TikTok, and much more. People prefer watching short format content which is usually 15 to a minute long. No doubt long format content is lit but short format content has become preferable because of how quick it is to learn and grasp them with no time wasted. In this short format content you can create:

  • Product Reviews
  • Tell a story
  • Suggest recommendations 
  • GRWM (Get ready with me)
  • Comedy sketch 
  • Informational content 

2. Embrace Authenticity And Community 

Social media Content

People crave genuine connections and community. How you engage with your audience matters a lot since your engagement rate decides how interesting your content is.

(Side tip– Savable and shareable content tends to attract more views, especially on Instagram’s new algorithm)

Instead of following certain rules, be authentic with your audience even if that means showing you behind the scenes. You can create your community on your social media platform like- groups, broadcasts, and engagement communities where you share your day-to-day activities, post behind the scenes, answer your audience’s questions, and tell them your plans in real-time.

Here Are Some Of The Ways You Can Engage With Your Followers:

  1. Listen And Respond: Always listen and respond to your audience and pay attention to their comments, messages, and feedback they give. when you show value to your followers’ input, it makes them feel heard and valued.
  2. Create Engaging Content: See and analyze what type of content your audience likes the most. Are they engaging more with informational, humorous, or lifestyle vlogs? show images and videos to make it more interesting.
  3.  Utilize social media Features: interact with your audience in real-time. you can share behind the scenes of your work, gather feedback, and by doing so, create interaction.

3. Use AI For Content Creation

Social media content tips

Is it even a question why AI should be among Social Media Content Tips? Well, we all know how the world of Digital marketing has changed ever since AI took over the digital landscape. you can use AI by:

Using it to generate graphics: You can generate images, and videos and enhance visuals to make them look ten times better.

Taking social media content tips: Take genuine tips from AI about your content and optimize it to make your social media better.

Images and add visuals: You can majorly use AI to help you generate images and visuals for blogs, social media platforms, and banners.

Posting and scheduling: Post or schedule your content according to your preference and use AI to adjust the timings.

(Ps- Here’s one more blog on how AI can change your digital marketing game. Simply click here to read the blog.)

4. Think Conversation, Not Just Broadcast

Social media

As mentioned before, people crave genuine connections. Yes, making groups and updating broadcasts is great but this is not it. To form a connection with your audience, you’ll have to spark conversations and talk to them. Whenever your clients ask something, reply to them or leave them a personalized message in their inbox.

This will make them feel special and seen, creating a trust that they can rely on you or your services. Conduct Q and A sessions where you give them a chance to talk to you about anything or you can ask them and even add some of your followers in live chat to actively engage with them daily.

5.  Strategically Engage With Influencers 

social media platforms

And lastly on our list of social media content tips is engaging with influencers. If you’re an influencer with a decent base on your social media platforms then it’s time to upgrade your level by collaborating with similar influencers in your niche. You can search and look for influencers like you who work with the same content type as you and pitch them the idea of collaboration. They will build credibility and broaden your audience on the platform. It is a great tip to get exposure to a much wider audience.

Benefits Of Collaborating With Influencers In Your Niche:

  1. Exposure to a wider audience: You will be exposed to a much wider audience, meaning more people will see you. This increases the chance of getting potential customers.
  2. Builds Trust: You will stand as a trusted and credible source once you start collaborating with people in your niche because collaborations foster genuine connections
  3. Higher Engagement and conversions: the influencers you’ll collaborate with will direct their followers to your platform, hence increasing engagement rate and conversions.

(Here’s your Ultimate guide to influencer marketing, just click the link and go through the blog where we have provided information about influencer marketing.)


Hope these tips helped you to learn a bit more about how to stay relevant in this landscape! Consistency and practicing them will give you the desired results! If you find this blog interesting then make sure to watch this YouTube video that talks about generating leads through What’s App marketing.

Mary Martina
Mary Martina
Hello! I'm Mary, an enthusiastic writer who loves conveying her feelings on subjects through words. I'm passionate about learning new things and writing them in my own language!

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