How To Track Social Media Trends 2024: Easy And Effective

Are you wondering how to track social media trends?  Then you may be aware of how social media algorithms work. Each social media site has its algorithm, pushing the latest trends to the top. In this fast era of digital networks, social media trends change every other day. 

Things don’t take much to go viral, take over the platforms, and become a “social media trend.” People love following these trends and influencers who take them to the next level to maintain them. These trends sure are entertaining and while they trend, they help influencers milk their social media. Even businesses use trends and trending audio now to promote themselves online with a hint of humor. That’s what trends do! They come and go every other month,

But do you often face FOMO? On the other hand, it is also called fear of missing out. If you do, then don’t worry now! Today in this blog, we are going to talk about:




Following trending hashtags on the platforms will help you keep up with social media trends. Simply following them will bring trends to your feed to explore and surf. By doing so, you can keep up with what’s trending currently on the platform and enjoy your watch. As we mentioned before, each social media site has a different algorithm. Whatever social media platform you want to keep up with, simply follow the hashtags in the trending section. This will help you take a look at insights and keep up with the latest discussions. This proactive strategy keeps people informed about the newest developments by enabling quick conversation and involvement in current discussions.

Keep in mind that Hashtags work differently On every social media platform like Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn. 


After you are done following the hashtags from the latest trends, now is the time to explore the trending topics on the platforms. By algorithm, you will be recommended the latest topics and videos.

You will have to interact with these videos by engaging with them. Engagement includes liking, commenting, saving, or even sharing the videos. This will help you connect with and relate to social media trends in the way you want. The type of content you engage with is more likely to come in your FYP (for your page) because this is how the algorithm works.

By exploring these trends, you not only keep up with social media but also find it a great source of entertainment. Keep in mind that trends are not meant to last forever, they just come and go. So the trends that you see right now are just here for some time, they might not be around in the next 3-4 months. So, enjoy while they’re around and engage. 


If you know how to track social media trends, then this might be the first step for you as a beginner. Let’s start with influencers. These social media influencers are one of the major reasons why these trends become social media trends. These use viral videos, clips, sounds, and templates to milk their platforms. This results in their accounts and trends remaining fresh and upbeat even after months.

Following these influencers will help you keep up with trends as well as give you fresh entertainment while the trend lasts. Follow these influencers that are mostly shown on your feed, especially if they’re from the niche that you’re interested in. Influencers have become such a trusted medium because of their popularity. People have started to trust influencers because they look more real than any Ad by brands and businesses. 

Engage with their videos and stay entertained. Influencers play a big role in social media, as do social media trends. If you’re interested in learning more about them, check out this guide here.


Another great way how to “track social media trends” is to read blogs. Stay updated with these trends by reading blogs. Follow the publishers and bloggers who write about trending topics and social media trends. This will increase your reading habits as well as give you a chance to stay entertained by reading about all the trends. If not blogs, you can also read different articles and web stories, as they are posted fresh on the trends and all the hot news in the town. Blogs and articles keep us updated on trending stuff and fresh media. 

If you are interested, then you can check out Realadvicepro’s trending blog section, where we post about all the trending topics to not miss out on! Whether it’s on digital marketing, social media, or product comparison, we have got it all covered! 


Most of the social media trends often intersect with pop culture. Most of the trends that you see online are because of drama, movies, celebrities, and events. Even music sometimes plays an important role in molding these trends and keeping them fresh. That’s why we sometimes see old sounds and videos trending on social media in the current time.

Stay updated with pop culture and news to keep yourself updated on trends. Pop culture news and media play a big role in spilling all the gossip and insiders, whether it be on trends or pop culture itself. People are more interested to see what’s the update on celebrities and their lives whether it’s paparazzi news, personal news, or their upcoming new launches.

Here we saw how to track social media trends.  Gone are the days to worry about the FOMO and now is the time to stay updated and fresh with all the trends in media.

We at Realadvicepro post blogs on trending topics for you to enjoy. We have written blogs on plenty of topics like Digital marketing, product review, social media, SEO, graphic design, and so much more. Make sure to visit the blog section and read to find out more! 

Mary Martina
Mary Martina
Hello! I'm Mary, an enthusiastic writer who loves conveying her feelings on subjects through words. I'm passionate about learning new things and writing them in my own language!

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